If you are trading in commerce, please sign-up as a Business Entity here: Register as Business

Register for payleven!

* Indicates required field

Account Details
Email address is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
The emails do not match.
Email address is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
The emails do not match.
Password is required.
Password must be at least 8 characters.
Please repeat your password.
The passwords do not match.
Invalid promocode.

These will be your log-in details for payleven
If you intend to use the device for any business purposes, then it is likely that we classify you as a sole trader. Please stop this registration and start the registration process using a business account.

Personal Details
The first name is required.
Invalid format, please enter letters only.
The last name is required.
Invalid format, please enter letters only.
The equity stake is required.
Invalid format, please insert numbers only.
The required equity value should be less then 100%
The required equity value should be 25% or greater.
All proprietors cannot exceed 100% in sum.
Date of birth
Day of birth is required.
Owner should be 18 years or older.
Month of birth is required.
Owner should be 18 years or older.
Year of birth is required.
Owner should be 18 years or older.
The house number is required.
The street is required.
The city is required.
The postal code is required.
Please enter a valid postal code.(e.g.A12 3AA)
The county is required.
The phone number is required.
Invalid format, please insert numbers only.
The purpose description is required.

Personal details required
Please enter your full name including middle name as shown on your passport. Also please enter your date of birth and personal address.

Bank Details
Account holder is required.
Your Banks name is required.
Your Banks name is required.
Your IBAN number is required.
Please enter the IBAN unhyphenated and without spaces.
Invalid IBAN format.
IBAN is incorrect. Please check the country code (first two letters of the IBAN).
Your BIC number is required.
Please enter the BIC unhyphenated and without spaces.
Invalid BIC format
BIC country code is wrong

These will be your bank details for paylevenBy adding your bank details now, we can transfer the verification amount and code within one business day. Once the amount and verification code has been sent to your account, we require you to verify these details by entering them into your payleven login area. In order to settle your funds into your bank account we need you to complete these steps. Please ensure that you enter the bank account holder name as it is stated on your bank statementWhat is IBAN and BIC?IBAN and BIC are the international bank codes that are found below the Account Number and Sort Code on a bank statement or on-line. If you cannot find these please ring and ask your Bank. Please enter the IBAN code (e.g. GB11ABCD12341234123412), it should be around 22 digits long.

About finding us
Please read and accept the Terms & Conditions.

By clicking the "Create my account" button below I am verifying that the information provided in this form is valid and truthful.

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Don't miss your chance to buy a Chip & PIN reader at the reduced price of {{NEWPRICE}}, originally {{OLDPRICE}}. SPECIALPRICE_NOTICE_ACTION